Wearable Senses

What is the End Goal of Industrial Production?

What is the end goal of industrial production? For every type of product or material there is a definite aim to reach. Each product has a specific end state, and that is something that is definite and cannot be changed. It does not matter how big or small the product is, it still has a definite aim and that is towards a defined destination.

What is the aim then? The aim is always to make something or produce something into a usable or functional condition. There is no scope for deviation from this basic aim. If you produce something that is not stable, it will automatically become unusable. Production must always revolve around this basic idea or concept.

So, what is the end goal of industrial production? It is the functionality of a product. Whether it is a piece of machinery, a product, or even a set of shelves in a furniture shop, all these things have a definite purpose, and that is to serve some use. A good set of shelves can not be used unless there are shelves to support its weight. This again is something definite which cannot be changed, and once it has been put into place, there is no scope for improvement.

Therefore, we have the need to focus on functionality and efficiency rather than on beauty and aesthetics. While the aesthetic appeal of a product is important, most often it is ancillary and is there simply to enhance the ‘product’s’ function. This is a reason why we often see a great number of products which are attractive but do not have any practical use. They are mass produced as a way of increasing company production levels and are aimed at pleasing potential customers.

What is the end goal of industrial production then? At the end of the day, it is the quality of the end product. The first step towards achieving this goal would be to reduce costs and improve productivity. But this is a long term process, and it does not happen overnight. Rather, it requires effort, commitment, and focus over a period of time. The long term goal of what is the end goal of industrial production is therefore one which sees the company become more profitable, while simultaneously meeting its obligations to maintain quality standards.

How is quality determined then? Quality is judged by how well a product performs in a real world environment. When an end product is put to use, this evaluation is made using scientific methods which take into account many different factors such as durability, functionality, safety, and effectiveness. These factors are all interdependent, and while they may not appear to be related to one another directly, they are in fact related. This is how quality is continually improved in the real world.